Can Tight Neck Muscles Cause Dizziness or Headache?

Women Suffering in Pain Due To Tight Neck Muscles

Can Tight Neck Muscles Cause Dizziness or Headache?

Women Suffering in Pain Due To Tight Neck Muscles

You’re sitting at your desk, working on a project, when suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your neck. You try to move, and the pain gets worse.

Some ways to get rid of stiff neck and pain include applying hot and cold compresses, stretching the neck muscles, massaging the area with a foam roller or massage ball, using a topical pain reliever, and practicing good posture.

Read more: How To Get Rid of Stiff Neck?

You might be wondering, can tight neck muscles cause dizziness or headache? Read on to understand the potential causes and treatment options.

What Is Cervical Vertigo or Cervicogenic Dizziness?

Cervical vertigo or cervicogenic dizziness is a condition caused by problems in the neck muscles and joints. Here’s how it occurs: the neck muscles and joints work together to support your head, neck, and spine. When these muscles or joints become tight or tense, they can disrupt your body’s balance. This disruption can lead to dizziness, headache, or even nausea.

What Are the Causes of Cervical Vertigo?

The most common cause of cervical vertigo is poor posture. When we have bad posture, our neck muscles and joints become compressed, leading to tension in these areas.

Other causes include:

a) Neck trauma, such as whiplash

b) Neck injury or degenerative changes due to aging

c) Sports injuries

d) Stress and tension

e) Overuse of the neck muscles

f) Infections in the ear or sinus region

g) Tumors or cysts in the neck area.

What Are the Symptoms of Neck Muscle Tightness?

The most common symptom of tight neck muscles is pain. People with tight neck muscles may experience stiffness, tenderness, and a constant ache in the neck and shoulders that can spread to the upper back or even wrap around the head. Pain from tight neck muscles can diminish the range of motion and cause limited daily mobility.

In addition to pain, tight neck muscles can cause headaches, dizziness, and balance difficulty due to reduced neck flexibility. This can lead to a higher risk of falls or injuries from slips and falls.

Tightness in the neck may also lead to tingling sensations in the arms, hands, and fingers. This is often caused by pressure on the nerves that run from the neck to the arms. In extreme cases, tingling in these areas can be accompanied by numbness or even weakness.

Tight neck muscles can also cause fatigue and tension headaches due to an increased strain on the neck muscles.

How Is Cervical Vertigo or Cervicogenic Dizziness Treated?

The treatment of cervical vertigo is based on the underlying cause. Generally, treatments involve physical therapy and lifestyle changes. Physical therapy can help reduce tension in the neck muscles and joints, while lifestyle changes can include posture correction, relaxation techniques, and avoiding activities that can exacerbate the symptoms.

Some medications may be prescribed to reduce dizziness and headaches associated with tight neck muscles. If these treatments are unsuccessful, surgery may be necessary to correct any structural problems in the neck or spine.

Call Gateway Spine & Pain Physicians for the best neck pain relief in Chicago. We have experienced spine pain specialists and can help you get your neck muscles back to normal quickly and efficiently. Contact us today for a consultation so we can develop a personalized treatment plan for you.

Can a Hernia Trigger Back Pain?

Women Suffering With Back Pain

Can a Hernia Trigger Back Pain?

Women Suffering With Back Pain

This holiday season is the best time of joy, celebration, and, unfortunately for many people, back pain. You may suffer from hernia if you are among the unlucky ones experiencing back pain during the holidays and beyond.

Read more: How To Prevent Back Pain While Decorating for the Holidays?

A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in the abdominal wall muscles. Hernias can occur in many body areas, including the abdomen, chest, groin, and upper thigh. Depending on the hernia’s location, it may cause back pain or discomfort in both the lower and upper back.

Read on to understand how hernias can cause back pain and what you may do to address it.

How Does Hernia Occur, and What Are the Symptoms?

The abdominal wall comprises muscles, and the inner lining is called the peritoneum. When a weak area develops in these muscles, it can cause a hernia—a bulge that comes through the abdominal wall and causes pain and discomfort.

A hernia may occur due to age-related changes, the strain on abdominal muscles during pregnancy or childbirth, or injury. It can be visible when you strain, stand up or lift heavy objects. Symptoms of a hernia include:

a) Pain in the abdomen or groin

b) Tenderness in the area

c) Burning, aching, or a feeling of pressure in the abdomen

d) Visible lump when standing or straining

e) Nausea and vomiting

f) Constipation

g) Weakness.

How Can Hernia Cause Back Pain?

Here are some types of hernia that can cause back pain:

1. Inguinal Hernia:

This type of hernia occurs when a minor portion of the intestine protrudes through the lower abdominal wall into the groin area. It typically causes pain in the abdomen and lowers the back, with occasional burning sensations or discomfort in the groin area.

2. Ventral Hernia:

A ventral hernia occurs when a section of the abdominal wall weakens and allows a portion of the intestines to push through. The resulting pain usually begins in the abdomen but can also spread to the lower back.

3. Hiatal Hernia:

This type of hernia happens when part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm, resulting in a bulge or lump in the upper abdomen. The pain is usually localized to this area but can also cause sharp pain in the lower back, bloating, and acid reflux.

4. Femoral Hernia:

When a portion of the intestine protrudes through the inguinal canal, it is called a femoral hernia. This can cause pain in the lower abdomen, groin, and back.

When Should You See a Doctor About Hernia-Triggered Back Pain?

It is best to seek medical attention if you suspect a hernia may cause back pain. Your doctor can take a comprehensive medical history and perform a physical exam to determine the root cause of your symptoms. They will suggest an appropriate treatment plan if they diagnose you with a hernia or any other underlying condition.

You should also seek medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

– Severe pain in the abdomen or lower back

– Pain that increases when coughing, standing, or bending over

– A noticeable bulge in your abdomen or groin area

– Swelling of the abdomen or groin area

Your doctor will likely recommend various diagnostic tests to confirm a hernia diagnosis. These may include ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI imaging. Call Gateway Spine & Pain Physicians for the best back pain relief in Chicago. We provide personalized pain management plans tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experienced physicians is here to help you manage and reduce your chronic back pain symptoms.