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The Lasting Effects Of Whiplash When Untreated

The Lasting Effects Of Whiplash When Untreated

If you suffer from whiplash, then you likely experience constant pain in your neck or spine. Whiplash can start out mild, but then it can become severe if you don’t see a doctor for neck pain in Chicago in time.

Let’s talk about what are the long term effects of whiplash in this article. That way you can understand what you should do if you’re experiencing untreated whiplash symptoms.

Whiplash 101

Whiplash creates headaches, pain, and various symptoms. It can radiate to your spine, head, neck, and even hips.

The cervical pain of whiplash is created when you experience severe trauma in the neck area. It’s called whiplash because your head whips back and forth quickly. This causes issues with your nerves, spine, and surrounding tissues.

This can occur via car crashes, sports, and more. The damaged tissue creates chronic, ongoing pain and headaches.

If you have whiplash, it could mean that you have fractures, irritated nerves, or other symptoms that can get worse over time.

Long Term Effects Of Whiplash

There are several disorders that people with whiplash can develop. Lasting effects of whiplash include:

  • Jaw pain
  • Sensitivity to cold and heat
  • Pain sensitivity
  • Ear ringing
  • Weakness
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Problems concentrating
  • Memory issues
  • Burning or prickly sensations in your limbs

Intense neck pain is also one of the more common consequences of whiplash long term.

It could be a sign of an issue that won’t go away without treatment. If you do seek quality treatment by a neck or spine pain doctor, you could prevent yourself from enduring lifelong pain.

Signs You Have Untreated Whiplash

Let’s look at some of the side effects of whiplash. If you experience any of these below, it could mean that you should seek treatment right away:


A whiplash can cause your brain to move rapidly and bounce against your skull. This can make you develop a concussion.

If you have the symptoms of a concussion, get seen by a doctor immediately.

Muscle Weakness Or Lack Of Motion

If you find it more difficult to do standard motions with any of your muscles, this could be a sign of whiplash. This is because whiplash affects your nerves and your tissues.

It can make it difficult for your brain to send the proper signals back and forth between your arms or legs. If this happens, don’t risk waiting.

Get seen by a spine specialist that can help you understand why you’re experiencing this issue and whether or not you have whiplash.

From there, they can suggest the proper treatments.

Poor Balance

Your neck is important for your balance. It helps the nerve signals maintain equilibrium. If whiplash compresses the nerves, you may experience balance loss.

Many people with whiplash have trouble with their balance after the fact. This is a sign of deeper trauma. You should get tested and treated if this is the case.

Alleviate Whiplash Pain For Good

Ultimately, the experts at Gateway Spine & Pain Physicians can help you understand what nerves are affected due to your whiplash.

From here, they can give you holistic treatment options. This may include medication, physical therapies, procedures, and more.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to reach out for help. Whiplash is no laughing matter. The long-term effects of whiplash can be devastating.

So the longer you wait, the worse it gets. Start getting whiplash treatments today. Not only can you relieve pain, you can potentially heal your nerves and other parts of your body again.